Things are slowing down a lot since the lights are down which is kinda sad but it has given us a lot more time to focus on our investigators and focus on those you are prepared for the gospel at this time. A lot of people are still coming though because last Friday we got Meet the Mormon in the Legacy Theater here so tons of peeps are coming for that and so we are staying busy.
I have to tell you about Julie. So in this mission we have our own personal accounts for people to contact us through the number that is on the pass along cards. It is confusing and I am not sure how it happened but on Saturday I opened up my account to find that I had a new voice mail. It was from a number from Ohio that I did not know. The voice mail was from a lady in hysterics asking if there was anyone that could help her find the missionaries. I called back and got to know Julie really well. She met with the missionaries before about a year ago. She is now going through a really rough divorce so she wants to meet with them again. It is hard to explain through writing but basically we are best friends now. She has the sweetest southern accent and she in constantly saying "Okay Erin, my darlin" (she calls me by my first name.) She is a very special person and we have been emailing and talking ever since that day. She is meeting with the missionaries and wants to get baptized ASAP. It is truly a blessing how our Father in Heaven places the people that are ready and in need right in our path. I have no idea how she even got to my extension but I know that it was guided by the Lord. So many miracles happen on Temple Square every day and it is awesome to be apart of it. We have been taking a lot of Spanish tours and I think I am picking up on the language a lot (thank you gift of tongues) at least I like to think I am. I know it is probably just the language of the spirit. This is a language that I am SO grateful for because it is a language that every person can feel and understand. I don't know if you know how the tour thing works but people will just walk on the square and go up to the desks and request a tour then the sisters there will text it out and whoever is available will take it. It is interesting because you walk to a tour having no idea who you are going to get. It is kind of fun. Something that helps me a lot when I am teaching these people is realizing that every single person on earth has already decided to follow Christ. Our responsibility as missionaries is to help them remember that decision that they already made. The mission president always encourage us to help others to remember Him through our example and by having the light of Christ in our eyes.
So maybe you are wondering about the infamous Charles that broke my heart in two. We have been trying to get a hold of him for a while now and we have gotten very little response. About two weeks ago he sent us a sad sad text saying that he was not going to get baptized and that he no longer lived in the area and that he was now living in the "Road home." The Road Home sounded familiar but I could not remember where I had heard that before. So anyways, I was having my weekly chat with my homeless friend John yesterday. Do you remember John? (Refer to previous emails) We were just chatting it up like we plan to every Wednesday and he said something about his homeless shelter AKA the Road Home! Nooooooooo! Charles is in a homeless shelter :( On the bright side I immediately asked him if he knew Charles and he said yes that he was the "new guy" there and that they have talked a few times about their eye sight (they are both going blind.) So I asked John if he could do me a huge favor and have Charles come with him back to Temple Square. He was really excited that he could help and he said that we would definitely do what he could. So the lesson of the week is: Be Friends With Homeless People Because They Can Help You With Missionary Opportunities. I just can't believe it but I will keep you posted on how that goes!!
I love my mission and the people that I teach. I love my Savior Jesus Christ and I love all of you. God be with you until we meet again next Thursday :)
xoxo, Sister Leavitt ♥
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Our district singing at Relief Society this morning. |